
Nature's Logic Dog & Cat Food Packaging

Nature's Logic Dog & Cat Food Packaging

ROLES: Concept Development, Art Direction, Graphic Design, Print Ready Finished Art
COPYWRITER: Dennis Abelson / REGION: United States and Canada

PRESS: Refinery29 / PET BUSINESS MAGAZINE / Superzoo Trade Show News


The Problem:
Nature's Logic was confronting a significant branding challenge. Despite offering high-quality pet food made from 100% natural ingredients, its farm-inspired packaging and an inadequately designed logo led to misconceptions of the brand as lower quality. This misperception was a barrier to attracting discerning pet owners looking for premium nutrition options for their dogs and cats.

The Insight:
Market research and consumer feedback revealed that pet owners are not just concerned with the quality of ingredients in pet food; they also value the aesthetics of the product's packaging. This dual expectation extends to how the products look when displayed in their homes, indicating that a visually appealing design could play a crucial role in enhancing brand perception and product desirability.

The Creative Solution:
To address these challenges, a holistic approach to brand revitalization was initiated, focusing on a complete redesign of Nature’s Logic packaging and logo. The goal was to shift the brand image from rustic and rural to modern and premium. The redesign process began with the logo, correcting the visual hierarchy to prevent the brand name from being overshadowed and ensuring "Nature's Logic" was clearly communicated. The packaging underwent a transformation to incorporate vibrant hero colors for each protein variety, reflecting the natural and premium quality of the ingredients. A new visual motif featuring vines and leaves was introduced across all packaging, symbolizing the all-natural composition of the products and adding a cohesive, recognizable element that tied the product line together.

The Execution:
The rebranding effort culminated in the launch of redesigned packaging for various product sizes tailored to both dogs and cats. Attention to detail was paramount, with careful consideration given to preserving certain elements like the original protein colors and the silhouettes of a dog and cat to ensure continuity for existing customers. The redesign was met with acclaim, drawing attention from industry publications such as Pet Business Magazine and generating buzz at major trade shows like Super Zoo. Retailers embraced the new look, creating eye-catching in-store displays that leveraged the packaging's color palette, and the redesign's success was amplified through social media engagement with pet influencers. Furthermore, the introduction of a scalable visual system empowered Nature's Logic's internal design team to effectively apply the new branding elements across future product extensions, ensuring a consistent and recognizable brand identity across all touchpoints. It has been exciting to witness how the team has adapted the vines and leaves motif for each new launch, from canned food to bone broth and frozen patties, to their higher-end line: Distinction.


 Nature’s Logic packaging before redesign

 Happy cats and Doggos on Social

Nature’s logic packaging updates since redesign